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【Rie fu、シンガポール、香港、中国などを廻るアジアツアー開催決定!】

【Rie fu、シンガポール、香港、中国などを廻るアジアツアー開催決定!】

昨年デビュー10周年を迎えると同時に拠点をシンガポールに移し、精力的に現地でのライブ活動も始めているRie fuが、


シンガポールでは、今年50周年を迎えるシンガポールの風景画を含む、Rie fuの絵画作品の個展も同時開催。


【About Rie fu TOUR】

2004年のデビューから、音楽活動にとどまらず、ロンドンへの美術留学、画家としての活動や会社の独立、シンガポール移住など、ユニークな経歴を経てきたRie fu。昨年イギリスとスウェーデンへ曲づくりの旅をするなど、新たなソングライティングの視点を開拓してきたRie fuのニューアルバム、”I”(アイ)は、次々とページをめくりカラフルな風景を発見できる絵本のような作品に仕上がった。本年のツアーではそれらの新曲や、ファンからのリクエストに応えるかたちでデビューからの幅広い楽曲を披露する。


Rie fu ASIA Tour 2015

4/10 Fri.  KYOTO TakuTaku  

4/11 Sat. NAGOYA BL Cafe 

4/17 Fri.   TOKYO WWW 


4/24 Fri.& 5/9 Sat.   SINGAPORE Japan Creative Centre


6/5   Fri.  HONG KONG The Fringe Dairy 

Tickets→ http://www.hkfringeclub.com/en

6/19 Fri.  BEIJING Huiyuan Space 


6/20 Sat. SHANGHAI QSW Culture Centre Q Hall 



More info→www.riefu.com



「Welcome to at Rie TOUR 2015 JAPAN」

4.10(金)@京都磔磔 (たくたく)

OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00

TICKET PIA 0570-02-9999 (P-CODE : 255-170)

LAWSON TICKET 0570-084-005 (L-CODE : 55665)

イープラス http://eplus.jp

TOTAL INFO >>>>>YUMEBANCHI 06-6341-3525 / www.yumebanchi.jp


4.11(土)@名古屋 BL Cafe

OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00

TICKET PIA 0570-02-9999 (P-CODE : 256-653)

LAWSON TICKET 0570-084-005 (L-CODE : 46150)

イープラス http://eplus.jp



4.17(金)@東京 渋谷WWW

OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00

http://riefu201504.peatix.com より予約受付中!


TICKETS: ADV : ¥4,500- 






【Rie fu’s Asia tour announced!!】

Rie fu has celebrated her 10th anniversary last year, as well as moving to Singapore to explore the Asian music market.

Her tour starting from April in Japan will consist of other Asian cities including Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai.

She will be holding a painting exhibition in the Japanese Embassy Creative Centre in Singapore as well as an acoustic live concert, showing landscape paintings of Singapore celebrating its 50th this year.


Since her debut in 2004, Rie fu has been a one-of a kind artist not only in her career, but also in her personal lifestyle, such as studying art in London, establishing her own label, and moving to Singapore in 2014 to pursue the Asian music market outside Japan.

Pushing her boundaries as a songwriter by working with writers in UK and Sweden in 2014, she has written new poignant songs in a way that the listeners can turn the pages of a colorful book to discover new landscapes along with each song.

The tour will consist of those new songs as well as songs known as theme songs for popular Japanese animations, such as “Gundam” and “Bleach”.  Rie fu performs both guitar and keyboard, creating a warm and intimate feel for the audience to enjoy.